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Structures and Unions in C programming Class 37

Chapter 11

Structures and Unions

A structure is a collection of one or more variables, possibly of di erent types, grouped together under a single name for convenient handling. ... Structures help to organise complicated data, particularly in large programs, because they permit a group of related variables to be treated as a unit instead of as separate entities [KR88, page 127].

The C language provides means to create user-defined types called structures. These types are aggregates of basic types and other user-defined types, and permit a logical grouping of related data. This chapter discusses structures, their operations and implications, and the associated topics of type-definitions and unions.

11.1     Structures

A structure is declared using the keyword struct, and the internal organisation of the structure is defined by a set of variables enclosed in braces. Consider the following example, which declares a structure for representing two-dimensional points.

struct Point {

int x;

int y;


Style Note. By convention, structures should always be named with an uppercase first letter. This distinguishes them from variables and functions (lowercase first letter), and symbolic constants (all uppercase).

The variables x and y are called members of the structure named Point. Variables of type Point may be defined as a list of identifiers at the end of the struct definition,

struct Point {

int x;

int y;

} p1, p2, p3; /* Define three variables of type Point. */

or as subsequent definitions using the tag “struct Point”.

struct Point p1, p2, p3; /* Define three variables of type Point. */

When a structure is defined, its members may be initialised using brace notation as follows.

 struct Point topleft = { 320, 0 };

Here the member x is initialised to 320 and the member y to 0. In general, the values within the initialiser list correspond to the structure member variables in order of their declaration.

Individual members of a struct may be accessed via the member operator.”. For example,

struct Point topleft;

topleft.x = 320;

topleft.y = 0;

is an alternative way to initialise the variable topleft. Thus, we might compute the distance between two points pt1 and pt2, using the standard library function sqrt(), as shown below.

struct Point delta = { pt1.x - pt2.x, pt1.y - pt2.y };

double distance = sqrt((double)delta.x * delta.x + (double)delta.y * delta.y);

Structures can be nested, such that the definition of one structure type may be composed, in part, of another structure type. For example, a rectangle might be described by its top-left and bottom-right corners as follows.

struct Rectangle {

struct Point topleft;

struct Point bottomright;


To access the lowest-level members of a variable of type Rectangle, therefore, requires two instances of the member operator.

struct Rectangle rect;

rect.topleft.x = 50;

11.2     Operations on Structures

The operations permitted on structures are a subset of the operations permitted on basic types (such as int, double, etc). Structures may be copied or assigned, but it is not possible to directly compare two structures.

struct Point p1 = { 0, 0 };

struct Point p2;

= p1;
Valid. structs
may be assigned. */
if (p1 == p2)
Invalid. structs may not be compared. */


(p1.x == p2.x && p1.y == p2.y)
/* Valid. May compare basic types. */


A structure may be passed to a function and may be returned by a function.

struct Point point_difference(struct Point p1, struct Point p2)

/* Return the delta (dx, dy) of p2 with respect to p1. */


p2.x -= p1.x;

p2.y -= p1.y;

return p2;


As with any other variable, structures are passed by value. Thus, in the above example, p1 and p2 are copies of the passed arguments, and the changes to p2 within the function do not a ect the value of the associated variable in the calling function.

struct Point a = {5,10}, b = {20,30}, c;

c = point_difference(a, b); /* c = {15,20}, b is unchanged. */

Passing structures by value can be ine cient if the structure is large, and it is generally more e cient to pass a pointer to a struct rather than making a copy. Defining structure pointers and obtaining the address of a struct variable is the same as for basic types.

struct Point pt = { 50, 50 };

struct Point *pp;

pp = &pt;

(*pp).x = 100; /* pt.x is now 100. */

Note, the parentheses about (*pp).x are necessary to enforce the correct order-of-evaluation, so that the pointer-to-struct is dereferenced before attempting to access member x. To avoid this rather complicated dereferencing syntax, an alternative notation is provided to access structure members via a pointer. The -> operator permits the expression (*pp).x to be rewritten more simply as pp->x.

As a further example, given the variable definitions

struct Rectangle rect, *pr = ▭

the following statements are equivalent.

rect.topleft.x = 50;

(*pr).topleft.x = 50;

pr->topleft.x = 50;


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