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Pointers to Pointers Function Pointers C Programming Class 28

7.7 Pointers to Pointers

Sometimes it is desirable to pass a pointer to a function and to change the value of the pointer itself; that is, to change what it points to. This can be done using a pointer-to-a-pointer as in the following (rather contrived) example.

void func(int **pptr, int i, int j)


if (i<j) *pptr = &i;

else *pptr = &j;


This concept may be applied further, so that we can have a pointer-to-a-pointer-to-a-pointer, and so on. But such constructions are rarely necessary.
Changing the value of a pointer inside a function is just one application of pointers-to-pointers.

More frequently they appear in relation to arrays of pointers, which are addressed in Section 8.4.

7.8 Function Pointers

In C, a function is not itself a variable, but it is possible to define pointers to work, which can be assigned, placed in the array, tasks are passed, returned from the works, and so on [KR88, page 118].

Function pointers are a very useful mechanism for selecting, substituting or grouping together functions of a particular form. For example, they may be used to pass functions as arguments to other functions. Or, they may be collected into an array of function pointers as a “dispatch table”, where a certain function is invoked based on an array index.

The declaration of a function pointer must specify the number and type of the function arguments and the function return type. For example, the following declaration is a pointer to a function that has a double and an int argument and returns a double.

double (*pf)(double, int);

Thus, it is not possible to define a completely generic function pointer, only one that points to a certain category of function that fits the declaration.
Notice the use of parentheses around the identifier (*pf). This is necessary to distinguish a pointer-to-a-function from a function-that-returns-a-pointer.

int (*pf)(char); /* pointer-to-function: input char, return int */

int *f(char); /* function: input char, return pointer-to-int */

In a function declaration, it is possible to declare a function pointer without using an identifier; (this is the case also with any other function argument).

void myfunc(char *, int, unsigned (*)(int));

However, it is usually better practice to include identifiers in function prototypes, as it improves readability.

void myfunc(char *message, int nloops, unsigned (*convert)(int));

The following example program uses function pointers to pass functions as arguments to another function. This allows the the latter function to perform a variety of operations without any change to its own algorithm. (Note that, like the array, the function names are automatically converted into pointers without using the address-off operator &.)

1 #include <stdio.h>

2   #include <assert.h>


4 double add(double a, double b) { return a + b; } 5 double sub(double a, double b) { return a − b; }
6   double mult(double a, double b) { return a * b; }

7   double div(double a, double b) { assert(b != 0.0); return a / b; }


9   void execute operation(double (*f)(double,double), double x, double y)

10 {

11 double result = f(x,y);

12 printf("Result of operation on %3.2f and %3.2f is %7.4f\n", x, y, result);

13 }


15 int main(void)

16 {

17 double val1=4.3, val2=5.7;

18 execute operation(add, val1, val2);

19 execute operation(sub, val1, val2);

20 execute operation(mult, val1, val2);

21 execute operation(div, val1, val2);

22 }

Function Pointer can be used to separate some sub-algorithmic functions from within the general purpose main algorithm. It allows the sub algorithm to be swap in or out at the time of running. A common example is a general sorting algorithm that uses function pointer to implement its sorting criteria.

void generic_sort(int *array, int len, int (*compare)(int, int));

int greater_than(int a, int b) { return a > b; } /* Possible sorting criterion. */ int less_than(int a, int b) { return a < b; } /* Possible sorting criterion. */

generic_sort(values, 20, less_than); /* Using the sort algorithm. */


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