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How to use SQL Injection in Ethical Hacking

How to use SQL injection Very easy Method simply use & Attacks

SQL injection is a set of SQL commands that are placed in a URL string or in data structures in order to retrieve a response that we want from the databases that are connected with the web applications. Such attacks are usually on webpages developed using PHP or ASP.NET.
A SQL injection attack can be done with the following intentions:
•    To dump the whole database of a system,
•    To modify the content of the databases, or
•    To perform different queries that are not allowed by the application.

This type of attack works when the applications don’t validate the inputs properly, before passing them to an SQL statement. Injection usually gets inserted into the address bar, search field, or data field.
The easiest way to detect if a web application is vulnerable to an SQL injection attack is to use the " ‘ " character in a string and see if you get any error.

Example 1

Let’s try to understand this concept using a few examples. As shown in the following screenshot, we have used a " ‘ " character in the Name field.

screenshot 1

Now, click the Login button. It should produce the following response:


It means that the “Name” field is vulnerable to SQL injection.

Example 2

We   have   this   URL:

And we want to test the variable "page" but see how we have inserted a " ‘ " character in the string URL.

When we press Enter, it will produce the following result which is with errors.



SQLMAP is one of the best tools available to detect SQL injections. It can be downloaded
It comes pre-compiled in the Kali distribution. You can see it here: Applications -> Database Assessment -> SQLMAP
After opening SQLMAP, we go to the page that we have the SQL injection and then get the header request. From the header, we run the following command in SQL: Coding

./ --headers="User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0" --cookie="security=low; 
PHPSESSID=oikbs8qcic2omf5gnd09kihsm7" -u
'http://localhost/dvwa/vulnerabilities/sqli_blind/?id=1&Submit=Submit#' --
level=5 risk=3 -p id --suffix="-BR" -v3

The SQLMAP will test all the variables and the result will show that the parameter “id” is vulnerable, as shown in the following screenshot.



SQLNinja is another SQL injection tool that is available in black distribution.

JSQL Injection
JSQL injection is in Java and it manufactures automatic SQL injection.


Quick Tips
To prevent your web application from SQL injection attacks, you should keep the following points in mind:
•    Unchecked user-input to database should not be allowed to pass through the
application GUI.

•   Every variables that pass into the application must be cleaned and validated. • User input should be quoted which has been passed in the database.

How to use SQL Injection in Ethical Hacking


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